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Due to COVID-19, all our events have been virtual! We hope to look to do some in person events as restirctions ease later on in the year. We are also open to new opportunities as they arise in the year, particularly collaborations with other Cardiff University medical societies! Please refer to our SU page or our other social media for updates about these events!


- Year 4 Mock ISCEs in collaboration with CHIPS

- Year 2 Mock ISCE prep

- Annual AGM

Transition process of upcoming committee 2021/22 will occur between May and July!


  • SEMESTER 2: 


  • SEMESTER 1: 

We also participate in outreach initiatives to deliver a variety of workshops :

30th June 2020: 


Our outreach lead and other ACMA members delivered an insightful session into how they got into Cardiff University and services that ACMA and Melanin Medics can provide!


3rd October 2020: 

Our president, secretary and ACMA member delivered a workshop on their journeys into medicine, expereince as black medical student and a Q&A breakout room for BAME aspiring medics as  safe space to ask questions about diversity, race and medicine. This was part of Medican masterclass. 

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30th Nov 2020: 


Our outreach lead and other ACMA committee organised an online mock MMI for Year 13 students in south wales to prepare for interviews

outreach Mock MMI poster.png

10th March 2021: 


Our mentor scheme lead and ACMA member Ruth Omenyo delivered a workshop on Alternatives Pathways into Medicine as part of a collaboration with the university's Widening Participation team


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term 2 outreach alternatives .jpg

- Insights into Medicine for young aspiring medics in Grangetown - 30 April 2021

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